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Calculate Formula

The Calculate Formula service operates as a distinct step where it processes an Excel-style formula to determine its value, subsequently updating the designated field with the result. This feature supports a wide array of data manipulations and practical applications, including but not limited to, calculations involving dates, substituting text, and creating composite scores.
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Installing a custom flow step requires Admin permissions in Marketo. Apart from the Installation URL, all other aspects of a serviced may be edited after completing initial onboarding by drilling down into the service detail screen from the Service Providers grid.

In Marketo navigate to Admin → Service Providers and click Add New Service

From here, follow the bellow steps to install and configure the flow step.

Outbound Fields

The Calculate Formula flow step does not use outbound fields.

Inbound Fields

The Calculate Formula flow step uses user driven mapping for inbound fields. This means there are no preset inbound fields but you can set select which person fields the flow step is allowed to write to.

Global Configuration Fields

Global user inputs that are passed along with every call to the Calculate Formula flow step service. Global attributes can be set during installation or updated from the Service Provider admin menu.

Flow Step Fields

These fields are set for each individual instance of the Calculate Formula flow step and are sent per-lead when it is called.

NameAPI NameTypeDescription
FormulaformulatextFormula to calculate
Return FieldreturnFieldstringField to return fomula response. Field must be set up in mapping. Default is formulaResponse
Return FormatformatstringSelect how the formula response should be formatted. Default is Text
Context Data

Program ContextData about the program where the flow step was triggered including name, id, type, workspace etc.
Campaign ContextData about the campaign where the flow step was triggered, including name, id, type, status, etc.
Trigger ContextContext around the trigger that initiated the smart campaign where the flow step was called. No data is sent if the flow step was called in a batch campaign.
Subscription ContextGeneral data about the subscription including munchkinId and name

Flow Step

Once the Calculate Formula flow step is installed it becomes available in smart campaigns.  This flow step uses formula.js on the backend.  Please consult the documentation and full list of functions as well as test the functionality
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Trigger & Filter

Once the Calculate Formula flow step is in use the activity can be used as a trigger or a filter inside smart lists and smart campaigns.

Formula is calculated
1 - Formula was calculated
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